Deputy Mayor of Village of Spencerport
Contact at cne@vil.spencerport.ny.us
“It is my honor to serve the community.”
Excelsior “Ever Upward”
Spencerport resident since 1986
Committee Chair:
(Code Review, Architectural Review, Comprehensive Plan) - GREEN INITIATIVES
Committee Member:
- Administration
- Emergency Preparedness, Town of Ogden
- Finance (Insurance); Human Resources / Benefits
- Architectural Review/Planning Boards & Zoning Board of Appeals
- Spencerport Central School District Budget Focus Group
- Spencerport Trolley Depot/Museum & Visitors Center Board
- 9/11 Commemoration
Completed projects:
- Comprehensive & Sustainability Plans
- Helpful Hints for Businesses
- Clean Energy Communities
- Healthy Community (No Smoking/No Vaping on Village Property)
- Village Planning Board, 12 years
- Spencerport Eastern Corridor Study (East Avenue)
- Waterfront Advisory, Website Redesign Committees
- Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council, Sustainability Work Group
- SAHARO Board of Directors
- Ogden Senior Center, President
- Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Chair: Economic Development & Public Relations / Website
- Aurora House of Western New York, Vice President, 2006-2011
- Kiwanis Club of Spencerport
- Local business owner, Afrikamba, Curios…, Spencer’s Landing est. 1994
- Partner in “For Africa’s Sake” charitable and cultural projects
- Eastman Kodak Company, Customer Service & IT/Purchasing, retired
- Freelance writer